Monday, September 13, 2010

Poetry Corner

Here's some free verse I've been dabbling with the last couple of months. Be proud of me! The poems have titles!


I offer you my big black heart
coagulating in tinny cold
and burn with breath throw a punch
gnash and crunch the piling snow
because you're smiling because I know
hot steam engines hurtle past
fireball fury fist clenched pumping
you count snowflakes stitches stiletto
clackity-clacks on icy tracks
not black bruises heartbeat woes
not our frostbit toes.


Bury me beneath the kitchen linoleum.
Speak to me when the air conditioner hums,
when the curtains I picked
fill the room with blue light,
when you stare through windows
and don't see your own lawn.

Leave your lilies in a milk bottle on the porch.
Think of me when the bananas go bad,
when the scarf I knitted
scratches your neck red,
when you walk under Christmas lights
and don't know your own door.

They Say I Am This Woman-thing.

Singing hymns in muffled nighttime
(soothing whispers stroke my neck).

Sacrificed for cherry cheesecake
(translucent as a broken eggshell).

Spread like thin communion wafers
(hands across my belly skin).

Scattered onto threadbare carpet
(bright as prism-shattered light).

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, of course. I especially like "Eulogy."
